Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedures 

Our Internal complaints process 

If you have a problem, concern, or complaint about any part of our advice or service, please tell us so that we can try to fix the problem. 

You may contact the Collinson Wealth Partners internal complaints scheme by contacting 

Hugh Going, Director, Collinson Wealth Partners 
P.O. Box 5068, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142 
Telephone: [09] 300 5237 

Our external complaints process 

If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or if you decide not to use the internal complaints scheme, you can contact the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman [IFSO]. Their dispute resolution scheme, the "Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme Inc." is a service that will cost you nothing and will help us resolve any disagreements. 

You can contact IFSO at; 

Address: PO Box 10 845, Wellington 6143 
Telephone: 0800 888 202 